Protecting Yourself from EMFS


  1. Filtering Dirty Electricity
  2. Stopping Radiofrequency
  3. Alternative Devices and Treatments
  4. Devices That Do Not Work



For information on a filter that reduces dirty electricity by 90% and has been a godsend for many people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, call the director of the Smart Meter Education Network, Linda Kurtz, at 972-2677 (area code 734) or visit the website No Dirty Electricity. A phone call is best, as you can discuss your individual situation with Linda, but feel free to email her at

This filter mitigates dirty electricity from smart meters, solar systems, PLC analog meters (power line communication), TWACs, generators, and inverters.



Filtering Dirty Electricity

There are many products that claim to filter dirty electricity. Most do not work that well, for reasons discussed in the next section. Remember, stopping the RF at the meter will not stop dirty electricity. Dirty electricity travels through your home’s wiring. You must filter what comes in through the physical wires.

Linda Kurtz, the founder and director of the Smart Meter Education Network, is extremely electrosensitive, and has found a filter that really works. With this filter on her home (it mounts at the circuit breaker box), she has had no problems with the smart meter that was installed on September 15, 2017. In homes without filters, she experiences heart palpitations, insomnia, tinnitus, extreme fatigue, transient memory lapses, headaches, and muscle spasms. If you would like to know more about this filter, and would like to get a great discount on it as well, please call Linda at 972-2677 (area code 734). Be sure to leave your phone number twice. You can also visit her website, No Dirty Electricity, or email her

You can read many reviews of this filter, the Satic Power Perfect Box, at Here are a few reported to me over the telephone or via email.

A dentist in his eighties bought filters for his home, his daughters’ homes, and one daughter’s office. He reports that he is feeling much better and his one daughter-—who was getting terrible headaches—is no longer getting them. (The other daughter hasn’t installed the filter yet.) Another woman, who is highly electrosensitive and was ready to move out of her home, wrote me to say that she is sleeping much better, may be able to back off on the melatonin, and that her ear that was most affected is draining. She has decided not to sell her home.

Another person told me how the filter is helping his mother, who is in her eighties. She began to suffer greatly after the smart meter was installed on her home, experiencing rapid memory deterioration,  cognitive issues, and constant fatigue. She began to wish for death because she was so tired. Three months after the filter was installed, her daughter says that she is less disoriented. Her son told me:  “It used to be common to hear Mom say, ‘I've never felt so tired in my life.’  Lately, she's still fatigued, but I don't think it's to the same extreme. Yesterday, I took a half-hour nap after work, waking to find Mom trimming the bush in our backyard with a pair of hedge shears.”


Physically Blocking Dirty Electricity

Dirty electricity comes through your home’s wiring. You can filter it (see below). You can block the dirty electrical fields by using metal conduit. However, this blocks only electrical fields. It does not block magnetic fields and therefore does not block the dirty magnetic fields. Dirty electricity and dirty magnetic fields occur together.



Filters That Plug in to Wall Sockets

You will find plug-in filters from a couple of companies widely touted on the Internet. There are many issues I have found with them, which I discuss below. However, the Satic plug-in filter (Pure Power) does not have these issues and can be purchased from Linda Kurtz at a nice discount.

Plug-in filters like Stetzer and Greenwave have myriad problems. They make many people, myself included, sick as a dog! I cannot tolerate them, and this is why I searched for a filter that would not cause side effects.

Plug-ins other than Satic’s Pure Power have the following problems:

It is always better to use a whole-house filter, but Satic Pure Power plug-ins can be very helpful.

Why is a dirty electricity filter at the circuit panel better than plugins?

  1. You clean up phase-to-phase dirty electricity created in the circuit panel itself.
  2. With the Satic Power Perfect dirty electricity filter, you get surge protection in addition to filtering.
  3. With a whole-house filter, you get protecton from dirty electricity coming in on the utility neutral. The utility neutral carries current back to the utility company. However, sometimes dirty electricity comes into your home on the utility neutral. The Satic Power Perfect wire-in filter will protect you from that dirty electricity. Plug-in units do not.


Stopping Radiofrequency
There’s a Reason They Call Us “Tinfoil Hats”!

Aluminum blocks radiofrequency signals. That is why cable providers like Comcast wrap their copper cable in aluminum. The RF signal travels along the surface of the copper wire in the cable. The aluminum shielding keeps the RF signal from escaping.

What you can do to help yourself be safer in your home:

The electrical engineers I have spoken with say there is no need to ground the siding or the screening, and I, personally, have not found this to be necessary.

The material sold by LessEMF does not appear to work terribly well. It seems to block a bit, but not do the job adequately.

RF Shielding info


Alternative Devices and Treatments

There are a lot of products or treatments that are claimed to mitigate electromagnetic fields, transmute them, or protect you. Many are bogus—an attempt by people to make money off the suffering of others. Some products do work for some people but not others.

Below we present some information to help you. It is a quick synopsis. We make no guarantee as to whether any of these products or treatments will work for you. Again, some things work for some people and not others. If you are someone who does not experience noticeable symptoms from electromagnetic fields, then be very, very skeptical of every product. Those of us who are noticeably affected (because we can feel it or experience severe symptoms) are in a much better place to vouch for the usefulness of any product or treatment. For myself, a shungite bracelet did help a little bit. The pendant by Quantum Science helped just a tiny bit.

There are stones, crystals, and other media that supposedly soak up or transmute RF and/or other electromagnetic fields. Some stones have a calming or grounding effect, but none actually mitigate the fields. Lepidolite is a stone that is supposed to help with EMFs. It does have a calming quality. Stichtite and hackmanite are supposed to help repair nervous tissue, which is affected by EMFs.

Devices that are said to operate at a quantum level—well, most are probably modern-day snake oil. Again, there may be devices that work for some. If you are not EMF-sensitive, beware! Don’t think you can use that cell phone without effect just because you pasted some diode onto it!

The Earthcalm plug-in device has gotten good reviews from people I know who are extremely EMF-sensitive. One woman in particular has been able to tolerate more and more fields that she once could not. It has not solved her problems, but it has helped. For instance, she was unable to sleep on the second floor of her home after smart meters were installed in her neighborhood (her first floor had aluminum siding; the second floor did not). After using the Earthcalm device for some time, she is now able to sleep upstairs. The device does not claim to transmute fields. Rather, it sends out a frequency that is the same as the earth’s magnetic field. The hope is that your body will begin to attune to that, not to the unnatural frequencies surrounding us. It has a 90-day money-back guarantee. If the problem for you is that you need to attune more fully to the earth’s magnetic field, this device may help you. This is a device that is not beneficial to me, but it has helped others. It all depends on your energy field and what it needs.

NAET therapy is extremely alternative and sounds quite bogus, yet it has helped some recover substantially from EMF sensitivity. Practitioner skill level varies widely, so make sure you do your research well and go to someone who does it “by the book.” Dr. Sue Anderson in Ann Arbor is an excellent and skilled practitioner. Every single person I have talked to who has seen the practitioner at Dr. Ing’s and Dr. Brownstein’s has not been helped, probably because the practitioner is not really trained in NAET.


Devices That Do Not Work


We have measured with a meter whether these devices work. Those of us who can feel EMFs have also used our own sense to determine whether they work. These devices, which are supposed to protect you from laptop EMFs, did not work:

These “pad” products do not work on a holistic level. At the functional level they do actually function as they claim to, but in their marketing they make you assume that the product will block the frequencies from hitting your entire body. This is not the case. One person described it like this:

Imagine that you have a laptop floating 5ft in the air. Imagine that the laptop has a transparent sphere of heat around it, extending outward about 5ft in all directions.  This sphere is very hot at the laptop, and as you head 5ft away from the laptop you can feel the heat becoming less intense. This represents the electromagnetic radiation field that is being produced by the laptop. The field is strongest at the laptop itself.

Now imagine that the laptop has music playing at a medium level. It is loud directly at the laptop and you have to walk 150ft away before you can no longer hear it at all. This represents the wireless radiofrequency radiation that is being produced by the laptop. The field is strongest at the laptop itself.

Now you want to block those fields from coming at you, so you place the laptop on something like the DefenderPad.  What you will now get is an electric/magnetic field and RF free zone, but only under the laptop.  If you get down and go under the pad you will feel no heat from the laptop, but as you come out from under the pad you feel the heat again. You cannot hear music from the laptop itself while under the pad, but you can faintly hear the music playing in the echos off the walls because radiofrequency radiation can bounce off some materials to varying degrees.

As you come out from under the pad you can hear the music coming from the laptop loud and clear . As you walk away from the laptop, you no longer can feel any heat (after 5ft away), but you can still hear the music. When you walk over 150ft away from the laptop, you can no longer hear the music.

The explaination above is a simplified version of a very complex system used to give you a basic understanding of how these things will work.

Pads cannot "soak up" the EMR/RF heading in all of the other directions. You still have the WiFi radiofrequency and the electromagnetic (electric/magnetic) fields originating from the laptop. With the pad under the laptop the fields are still going in every other possible direction other than down. The pad is only blocking in a "line-of-sight" fashion. This means that most of your body is still being affected.


Safety Advice for Electromagnetic Fields

There are lots of links out there. Search around.

keywords: emfs, remediation, mitigation, protection, dirty electricity, smart meters, michigan



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Terms to Know

Advanced meter: smart meter (term used by DTE to hide the fact it is a smart meter).

AMI meter and AMI program: another name for the smart meter and the smart meter program. AMI stands for advanced metering infrastructure.

Blood-brain barrier: EMFs can cause the blood-brain barrier to be breached, allowing toxins to enter the brain. Toxin entry is thought to be partially responsible for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.

Dirty electricity: spiky, pulsed electromagnetic field generated by smart meters that rides through building wiring and permeates the building’s rooms. Responsible for many of the health problems seen with smart and digital meters.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs): consist of an electrical field and a magnetic field. Fields are created by the flow of electrical current through the wire, sunlight, etc.  

Electromagnetic frequency: examples are 60 Hz electrical current of your home, RF of a cell phone. Often used interchangeably with electromagnetic field.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS): sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Symptoms are complex and involve all bodily systems

Hydrogen bonds: Electrostatic bonds that help hold the DNA double helix together. Breakage of hydrogen bonds may cause changes in DNA that can lead to cancer. RF and other EMFs may disrupt the Hydrogen bonds.

Meter upgrade: the installation of an advanced (smart) meter on your home by DTE.

Microwave radiation: the type of radiation emitted by smart meters. Known to cause biological harm.

Non-transmitting meter: another name for the DTE and Consumers opt-out meters.

Opt-out meter: this is a smart meter. The only thing that is different is the radio-transmitter is turned off. It still generates dirty electricity, it still retains the two antennas, and it is only incrementally less harmful to your health. It can still record detailed information about your electrical usage.

Radio-disabled meter: another name for the DTE opt-out meter.

Radio-off meter: another name for the DTE opt-out meter.

Radiofrequency (RF): high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the range of 10 MHz to 300 Ghz. All wireless devices, including smart meters, cell phones, and Wi-Fi emit RF.

Switched mode power supplycontained in all smart meters, it creates dirty electricity.

van der Waals bonds: an extremely weak electromagnetic force that helps hold the DNA double helix together. Breakage of the van der Waals bond may cause changes in DNA that can lead to cancer. RF and other EMFs can disrupt the van der Waals bonds.